Home Remodeling Research Before Buying a Flipped Home We love the multitude of TV shows, taking a worn-down home and flipping it. Seeing an old house tuned up always grabs my attention. Hands down, before and after pictures are my favorite part! Have you recently fallen in love with a “flipped” home? Does the idea of moving into a cleanly renovated space excite […]
Buying a Home Want to Be a Historic Homeowner? I Love Historic Homes I love driving through historic neighborhoods! Grand old homes, with detailed architecture, beautiful peaks, and peaceful porches, are incredibly breathtaking. Beauty also comes with additional financial benefits. Because historical houses are typical in an established neighborhood or district, projected prices of the homes appreciate quicker than in other areas. In addition, […]
Home Remodeling Help to Fight Mold in Your Home Unfortunately, mold in your home is sneaky and can creep up on you when you least expect it. For a healthy home, monitoring and eliminating mold is crucial. Commonly, household mold develops because of water damage or a damp surface that isn’t regularly cleaned. Spores are known to stay dormant until they have the moisture […]
Selling Your Home What Generation of Buyer is Your House Geared Towards? Staging presents your home in the best light. Staging can help position your home to sell faster and potentially for a higher price. But there are a couple of ket points to remember when staging:  1) Decorate the home to appeal to the buyer, not to appeal to you. Look at your house from the viewpoint […]
Real Estate News Common Real Estate Acronyms Sometimes, when buying a home, you feel like you are in the middle of alphabet soup!  There are multiple acronyms in the real estate industry that help communicate the matters at hand. But what if you don’t know what the acronym means? Don’t worry. We are here to help! First of all, before I start […]
Buying a Home Buying a Home with Bad Credit Bad credit can be disheartening, and many believe that bad credit can disqualify you from buying a house. While it can be difficult, it is not impossible to buy a home with bad credit. Below I have put together tips on what steps you can take to boost your prospects of buying a home. If […]
Buying a Home 3 Benefits of Owning Real Estate Success is often worth repeating, and Brent Sutherland, a Certified Financial Planner and Real Estate Investor, has undoubtedly made his way in a momentum-driving direction. Who is Brent Sutherland? Sutherland was 35 when he bought his first single home to rent out for income, less than five years later, he owns eight additional properties and part of a […]
Buying a Home What You Need to Know about HOAs If you’re a first-time buyer and are confused about what a Home Owners Association is (or does), you need to ask the right questions before considering buying. An HOA is an organization designed to protect the quality of life and property values for owners within a neighborhood or shared building. Although, how they make this […]
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Buying a Home Promises of a Real Estate Pro There are thousands of licensed real estate agents, but of those licensed, how many are dedicated professionals? No doubt, many can make a good first impression.  But to truly represent your needs, they’ll need to be able to follow through on the promises that only professionals can make. One way to separate the professionals from the […]
Home Remodeling Make Your Home Baby-Friendly You may not have kids right now, but chances are you may be entertaining guests one day who do. Below are some sound strategies to make your guest’s visit low-stress and safe by baby proofing your home. These are great ways to put your guests at ease and do your best to protect their little […]
Buying a Home Is a Home Warranty Right for You? The idea of a home warranty can sound great. The definition of home warranty is “a service contract, normally for one year, which helps protect home owners against the cost of unexpected covered repairs or replacement on their major systems and appliances that break down due to normal wear and tear” (National Association of Realtors). […]
Buying a Home How to Make a Down Payment Possible Every month you pay the rent, you’re probably thinking, “I wish this money were going into my future.” For a lot of would-be first-time home buyers, it’s the down payment, which makes home ownership seem impossible. We want to encourage you, climbing the “down payment mountain” isn’t impossible. Like any significant challenge, it’s all a […]
Home Remodeling Home Office Remodel: No Return It is a proven fact that many home remodeling projects significantly impact the value of the home. Certain upgrades and renovations pay dividends when it comes time to sell your home, allowing you to recoup the money you’ve invested in the home improvements. As always, there are exceptions. There is one renovation that stands head […]
Buying a Home 6 Things Buyers Forget to Check During a Home Search Do you think you have found the perfect home? Hold on, and think again, it might not be as perfect as you think. There are six little details which can turn an ideal house into a purchase you may regret. Before you make your offer, take into account these six small, but surprisingly important details: […]
Home Remodeling Affordable Design Upgrades to Help Sell Your Home What is it about a home that catches a buyer’s eye? What makes a home “feel right”? When two home are comparable to one another, why will one edge the other out? The difference is in the details. Small little touches will give a home a major edge in the market. Below is a list […]
Home Remodeling Essential Tips to Make an Efficient Home and Save on Your Energy Bill As a homeowner, it’s important to keep your home running efficiently, not only to save money, but also to help the environment thrive.  It is important to pause and taking time to think about making some key upgrades that will improve the efficiency of your home. If you’re looking to sell your house, and increase […]
Selling Your Home Thinking of Selling Your Home? Waiting Can Be Costly. Humans are impatient by nature, at times being patient and waiting pays off.  Other times, waiting can cost you money.  Surprisingly, individuals who wait too long to sell their homes can have a negative effect on the bottom line. Traditional thinking would suggest it may be best to wait to sell when there is a […]
Selling Your Home Don’t Move It, Sell It! Getting ready to move to the Prescott area? Welcome to “Everybody’s Hometown”, we are excited to have you! You have picked a gorgeous town. Prescott truly has something for everyone.  There are plenty of things to do in the area, making it the perfect community for people of all ages.  Prescott is often rated as […]
Real Estate News Why Overpricing Hurts Sellers in the End I would consider this a factual statement:  All sellers would love their home to sell for the highest possible price.  Understandable.  Unfortunately, this strong desire and motivation is the reason why it’s so easy for agents to “buy” listings. If you’re not familiar with the concept, “buying” a listing is when an agent tells a […]
Home Remodeling Supersizing Small Living Spaces Has your home started to feel a little small for your family? It happens to the best of us. The things we own gradually end up colonizing a lot of our free space, and the house which felt “just right” a few years ago can suddenly feel as tiny as a shoe closet. Fortunately, there […]